The energy core is a kinetic energy store, also referred to as a flywheel energy store. The device consists of a levitating rotor and stator. The rotor rotates as it is levitated, and this is how the energy is stored. The rotor is spun by converting electrical energy going into the device's motor-generator unit and causing the rotor to spin faster and faster.
Because the rotor is levitated by permanent magnets in a vacuum environment, the rotor can effectively spin forever, until you want to extract the energy from the device, and in that case, the energy is converted to electrical energy and behaves as a power supply as you need it.
The big difference between the Energy Core and a power supply or battery that we have accessible today is it's power and energy density. The Energy Core is around the size of a basketball, however, could supply a household with electricity for many months without being charged.
This technology is patented in the UK, Europe, Japan, India, Australia, Canada and is pending in China.
The Energy Core is completing the patent process globally, in the mean time, we are aiming for a demonstrable prototype and reaching out for potential licensees who are interested in the Energy Core. If you are interested and would like to discuss further, please get in touch.
The cost of energy is increasing and becoming a concern for many. The Energy Core could provide a stable energy storage device to store renewable energy, reduce cost and environmental impact for all.
The Energy Core could be a solution for off-grid homes, providing reliable and long term energy storage.
The Energy Core is a flexible energy and power dense device, which is perfect for an uninterruptible power supply. The energy core can provide supplementary power in place of fossil-fuelled generators which usually provide back-up in industrial settings.
As an energy and power dense energy store, the size of a basketball, the Energy Core could replace large power packs fro electric cars, and free-up space while extending driving range to 1000 miles or more. Power density means that charging time is reduced to a minimum, without compromising long-term health and performance of the energy store.
If you have any questions, or believe you have found a new application for the Energy Core, please do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss with me.